Seminars and Academic Lectures

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Making Science Easy and Engaging for Your Employees, Clients, or Students

Online lectures on sleep and neuroscience designed for your company's seminars, training sessions, workshops and other events. This is truly inspiring and engaging content that motivated people. Seminars on sleep and neuroscience help to improve life quality and workplace productivity

Courses, Seminars, and Academic Lectures

On topics of sleep, neuroscience, meditation, and memory in Lithuanian, English, and Norwegian. Once a month, I offer a free 30-minute lecture to schools, seniors, children’s or teen groups, or other organizations with very limited budgets.

Q&A Discussions

Interactive question and answer sessions.

Personalized Lectures

Customized content tailored to the specific needs of your organization.

Discover inspiring and useful topics for your next seminar or event.

Let's talk
Why Sleeping Beauty Would Conquer Mountains

The misconception about sleep and productivity. How quality sleep helps achieve better results.

How Caring About Employee Sleep Can Increase Profit?

How quality employee sleep boosts company profitability and productivity.

How Does Sleep Improve Learning and Memory?

The science of sleep’s impact on learning and memory.

Sleep – The Best Medicine Against Illness!

The importance of sleep for the immune system and overall health.

How you make your bed is how you will sleep.

Sleep hygiene tips to ensure quality rest.

Unreliable Memory

How memory works and why our recollections can be inaccurate.

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness Practices and Meditation

How Mindfulness Practices and Meditation Affect the Brain and Well-Being.

How to Design Your Home for Better Sleep

Recommendations from the latest scientific research on creating a home environment for quality rest.

Sleep is Your Superpower!

A fun lecture for students about the importance of sleep.

Morning Is Wiser Than Evening

The importance of sleep for mental and emotional health.